Nodal Analysis – Super-node: a Non-grounded Voltage Source

Use nodal analysis to solve the circuit and determine the values of I_x and V_y.

I. Identify all nodes in the circuit.
There are four nodes in the circuit:

II. Select a reference node.
There is symmetry in this circuit and each node has three elements connected to. One of the elements connected to each node is a voltage source. Thus, any node has no advantage over others in being the reference node. We choose the bottom left node as the reference node.

III. Assign variables for unknown node voltages.

Three remaining nodes are labeled as shown in the figure above. With this labeling, the value of V_2 can be determined directly. Since there is a voltage source between the node of V_2 and the reference node, and the positive terminal of the voltage source is connected to the reference node, we have:

    \[V_2 = -V_{s_1} = -10 \, \text{V}.\]

The label V_2 is assigned to simplify referencing this node in the analysis. Alternatively, one could avoid assigning a label to this node and instead directly substitute -10 \, \text{V} wherever it is required in the equations.

IV. Incorporate dependent sources.
This circuit does not contain any dependent sources.

V. Apply Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL).

We write a single KCL equation for the super-node:

    \[-Is_2 + \frac{V_1}{R_2} + \frac{V_3 - V_2}{R_1} - Is_1 = 0.\]

    \[-1 + \frac{V_1}{4} + \frac{V_3 - 10}{5} + 2 = 0.\]

Multiplying by 20

    \[-20 + 5V_1 + 4V_3 - 40 + 40 = 0.\]

(1)   \[5V_1 + 4V_3 = 20. \]

VI. Handle super-nodes.
Nodes V_1 and V_3 are connected by a voltage source, forming a super-node. By applying Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) to the loop shown below, V_3 can be expressed in terms of V_1 as follows:

Applying KVL to find super-node voltage

(2)   \[-V_1 + V_{s_2} + V_3 = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad V_3 = V_1 + 4. \]

VII. Solve the System of Equations.

Substituting (2) in (1):

    \[5V_1 + 4(V_1+4) = 20\]

    \[9V_1 = 4\]

    \[V_1 = \frac{4}{9} \, \text{V}\]

Substituting V_3 = V_1 + 4 and the known values into the equation, we solve for V_3:

    \[V_3 = \frac{40}{9} \, \text{V}.\]

At this point, the circuit is fully solved, and all node voltages are determined.

VIII. Determine Additional Variables. Calculating I_x and V_y

With the node voltages known, we can now calculate I_x and V_y.

KCL at Node 1:

    \[-Is_2 + \frac{V_1}{R_2} + I_x = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad I_x = \frac{10}{9} \, \text{A}.\]

KVL around the loop shown below

    \[-V_3 - V_y + V_2 = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad V_y = \frac{50}{9} \, \text{V}.\]

Applying KVL to determine V_y

Download the Circuit File

To download the LTspice circuit file for your own simulations, click the link below.Please remember to unzip the file after downloading to access the .asc file for your simulations:


18 responses to “Nodal Analysis – Super-node: a Non-grounded Voltage Source”

  1. nicomedian Avatar

    Dear Dr. Li,

    I signed up already for your web site, but I still have problems in order to download the book named Nodal Analysis (I tried with IDM and other programs), please help me to solve this trouble.

    Awaiting your urgent reply.

    Best regards,

    Orhan TUNCOZ

  2. p c madhavarao Avatar

    dear dr. yaz z. li
    i am about to start teaching network analysis to ug students of electrical and electronics engineering. thanks for explanation and your illustrations are too good that i want to follow. kindly let me know which software is used to draw the networks and highlighting relevant portions of the network. thanks and regards.

    1. Dr. Yaz Z. Li Avatar

      Hi there,
      The latest one that I use is latex + circuitikz.

      1. Alexis M Avatar
        Alexis M

        Hi Dr. Yaz Z. Li,

        I am also teaching an electrical engineering class, and am playing around with circuitikz. Although I can do basic circuits, I have no idea how to do the colour highlighting that you have in this page. Would it be possible for you to post a sample code showing how to do this?

        Thank you!


        1. Dr. Yaz Z. Li Avatar

          Hi Alexis,

          Actually, I used GIMP for highlighting here but for this post, I used fill as:

          \fill[magenta,opacity=0.5] (-.5,-.5) -- (-.5,2.5) --(.5,2.5) -- (.5,-.5) ;
          \fill[red,opacity=0.5] (-.5,4.5) -- (-.5,7.5) --(.5,7.5) -- (.5,4.5) ;
          \fill[blue,opacity=0.5] (2.5,4.5) -- (2.5,7.5) --(3.5,7.5) -- (3.5,5.5) -- (5.5,5.5) --(5.5,4.5);
          \fill[green,opacity=0.5] (2.5,-.5) -- (2.5,2.5) --(5.5,2.5) -- (5.5,1.5) --(3.5,1.5) --(3.5,-.5);
          Let me know if you have any questions.

  3. brendon Avatar

    hey, i have a text on circuit analysis on thrusday and im having difficulties in complex situations, for instints. can i select a node as a reference node if it is connected to a voltage source, and that mean the nodal voltage of the node of the other side of the voltage source will be that of the voltage source.



  4. brendon Avatar

    hey, i have a test on circuit analysis on thrusday and im having difficulties in complex situations, for instints. can i select a node as a reference node if it is connected to a voltage source? If possible does that mean the nodal voltage of the node of the other side of the voltage source will be that of the voltage source.



    1. Dr. Yaz Z. Li Avatar

      Hi Brendon,
      Yes, you can. We prefer to select such nodes as the reference node to have one of the node voltages known without need to solve. Please download my free ebook, these are explained there.

      Good luck 🙂

      1. brendon Avatar

        i had the test, it was not hard. hope i passed it. thanks for your asistance.

  5. mumu Avatar

    I have already signed in to your website but still i have problem loading the book NODAL ANALYSIS .can u plz help me regarding loading of this book.

  6. Minor Rojas Avatar
    Minor Rojas


    what about if you have a supernode that contains another supernode?


    1. Dr. Yaz Z. Li Avatar

      In that case, you consider all three nodes as a supernode. Label the voltage of one of the nodes and find the voltage of the other two nodes in terms of the voltage of the first node. (The same if there are even more than three nodes in a supernode.)

  7. randymarshall1 Avatar

    I signed up already for your web site, but I still have problems in order to download the book named Nodal Analysis, please help me to solve this trouble.

  8. zeeshan ashraf Avatar

    your analysis of super node realy realy give me a suppert to understand super node concept.please upload more then.

  9. Yasir Amin Avatar
    Yasir Amin

    Hi sir yaaz !
    Sir would you plz explain me how to solve a question in which a supernode contains. Another super node …

  10. mandar kulkarni Avatar
    mandar kulkarni

    sir i want to know that how to solve supernode problem when there is a resistance between two non reference nodes which makes a supernode i.e. the resistance is in series with the voltage source

    1. Yaz Avatar

      If there is a resistance in series with a voltage source, their connection is supernode from the voltage source side.

  11. Kawalya Avatar

    Hello how can I solve a question that has a current source connected in parallel with two resistors

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