Nodal Analysis – Dependent Voltage Source

Use nodal analysis method to solve the circuit and find the power of the 3\Omega– resistor.

Nodal Analysis  Dependent Current Source

I. Identify all nodes in the circuit.
The circuit has 3 nodes:

II. Select a reference node. Label this node with the reference (ground) symbol.

The node in the middle is connected to 5 nodes and is the node with the largest number of elements connected to it. Therefore, we select it as the reference node of the circuit.

III. Assign variables for unknown node voltages.

We label the remaining nodes as shown above. V_1 is connected to the reference node through a voltage source. Therefore, it is equal to the voltage of the dependent voltage source: V_1=-6I_x.

IV. Incorporate dependent sources.

If there are dependent sources in the circuit, write down equations that express their values in terms of node voltages.

The voltage of the dependent voltage source is -I_x. We should find this value in terms of the node voltages. I_x is the current of the 5\Omega– resistor. The voltage across the resistor is V_1-V_2. You may ask why not V_2-V_1. Well, that is also correct; the voltage across the resistor is either V_1-V_2 or V_2-V_1 depend on which terminal we choose to be the positive one. In this circuit, we are going to use this voltage drop to determine I_x. We prefer to use V_1-V_2 simply because V_1 is the voltage of the terminal that I_x entering from. Therefore, the Ohm’s law can be applied in the simple form of V=R \times I. By using the voltage drop V_1-V_2, we have I_x=\frac{V_1-V_2}{5\Omega}.

V. Apply Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL).

Node of V_1:
Because there is a voltage source in this node, there is no advantage in writing a KCL equation for this node. All we need to do is to use the voltage of the dependent voltage source and its relation with other node voltages:

\left{ \begin{array}{l} I_x=\frac{V_1-V_2}{5\Omega} \ V_1=-6I_x \end{array} \right. \to V_1=\frac{6}{11}V_2.

Node of V_2:

\frac{V_2-V_1}{5\Omega}+\frac{V_2}{3\Omega}-2A=0 \to -3V_1+8V_2=30.

VI. Handle super-nodes.
There is no super-node in this circuit.

VII. Solve the System of Equations.

Substituting V_1=\frac{6}{11}V_2,

V_2=\frac{33}{7} V \to V_1=\frac{18}{7} V.

VIII. Determine Additional Variables. The power of the 3\Omega-resistor is

R_{3\Omega}=\frac{V_2^2}{3\Omega}=7.408 W.

Download the Circuit File

To download the LTspice circuit file for your own simulations, click the link below.Please remember to unzip the file after downloading to access the .asc file for your simulations:


3 responses to “Nodal Analysis – Dependent Voltage Source”

  1. Michael Avatar

    Thanks for the post. Very helpful.

  2. criscolorado Avatar

    thanx alot but i need Pspise simulation file <<and i cant download it <<

  3. gene armstrong Avatar
    gene armstrong

    thank you very much, it was helpful on the dependent source part of the circuit.

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